It’s often said “if it’s free, then YOU are the product!” Well, maybe in the world of big tech – but not here.

We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure your visit here to Radio Calico doesn’t feed any third parties who want to spy on you. Google, Meta, Amazon – none of them, or anyone else, has their tendrils into our site. We’re not out to somehow profit from data on your musical tastes, we really do just want to share our love of the best high-resolution music with  you. There are no ads on our site or on our audio stream, and there’s no need to sign in or provide any personal information at all to listen.

The only data we track is how many people are listening at any given time, so we can fairly pay royalties to the artists, composers, and labels behind the music you hear. If you choose to rate a track with a “thumbs-up” or “thumbs-down”, that aggregated information is displayed to users, and we use that data to help decide which tracks stay on our playlist and which ones get rotated out.

There is no ulterior motive. Crazy, I know.

Of course if you’re listening via some third-party app that’s mooching off our stream, all bets are off. But listening here at our website or on our own mobile apps is an environment free of any monetization.

This is also an AI-free zone! The songs you hear were chosen by humans. Humans read the messages you send in. Every week, humans listen to the latest music releases and decide what gets added to our playlist, and what doesn’t. Every DJ and jingle you hear was recorded by a human and not an AI-generated voice.

This really is just a labor of love for the humans behind Radio Calico. We hope you enjoy the pure, lossless music all day long just like we do, without commercial interruptions.