We created Radio Calico to be something you can listen to all day at work or home, without getting tired of it! Our secret sauce has several ingredients:

  • High-resolution, lossless audio to prevent listening fatigue. Your brain doesn’t have to do any extra work to try and compensate for lossy compression or the usual processing you hear on radio stations to make everything sound loud all the time. We present the music as it was recorded and intended to be heard.
  • A wide variety of the best music across many genres and across all of time. Our genre-agnostic playlist spanning time from the 30’s to today keeps things interesting; listening to one kind of music gets old after awhile. (That’s why it’s called Calico – like the cat’s many colors, we have many kinds of music)
  • No distracting ads, and just occasional station ID spots and DJ commentary that we think you’ll find entertaining and informative.
  • An expansive playlist – while commercial FM stations play the same music every hour, you can go over six days straight, day and night, without hearing the same song twice on Radio Calico.
  • Discovery and delight – you’re sure to hear great songs you forgot about, discover hidden gems you may have missed, and the best brand-new music that we add every week. And you never know who or what you might hear introducing them!
  • Zero work on your part; throw on Radio Calico and let us choose the tunes while you get on with your life.
  • Zero cost on your part! Listen as long as you want; it’s free. It’s just a labor of love for us and we’re happy to share.

We hope Radio Calico helps power your day all day long, like it does for us! Enjoy the crystal-clear music for as long as you like.